It is a user friendly and easy to use application that can assist to maintain information record for Clients, Cases, Hearing, etc.
Main Features
Shows information of logged in user. It also shows notifications of leaves, to-do's, appointments, cases (hearing dates) based on the settings of notifications.
Shows summary of system and some more important information related to current day. It shows the count of important information like (clients, cases, starred cases, archived cases, employees, tasks, case study, my tasks) and linked them to their profile pages. Also, the dashboard shows latest notices, today's to-do lists, today's cases, absent employees list, calendar of appointments & cases dates.
Admin can create clients, update/delete existing clients and can export list of clients. Admin can also create custom fields for clients if needed by custom fields section.
Admin can create employees, update/delete existing employees and can export list of employees. Admin can also create custom fields for employees if needed by custom fields section.
Admin can create unlimited department and designations of that department and can update/delete existing departments and their designations.
Create list of holidays in a company. Admin can create unlimited holidays in the year or delete existing holidays.
Notices: Used to send any important information to all internal users of the system. You can create notice and each user will get notified on their dashboard.
Leave Types:
Admin can create unlimited leave types and can update/delete existing leaves. Used by employee panel where an employee can apply for a leave and select leave type with reason for the application.
All Cases:
Admin can create new cases and update existing cases. Admin can also move important cases to Starred Cases and old ones to Archived Cases. Cases hearing dates, fees and notes can also be managed.
Starred Cases:
Starred Cases will show the list of cases which marked as important.
Archived Cases:
Admin can delete the Archived Case or can restore to All Cases.
Here Tasks is related to Cases. Admin can assign Task to multiple staff members. Let your staff comments on Tasks. Admin can create unlimited tasks and can update/delete existing tasks.
Case Study:
Case Study is used to create reference cases for future use. User can create unlimited case studies along with attachments of multiple case categories and can update/delete existing case studies.
Shows the earnings of the Law Firm. It can be viewed By Month, By Week, By Year and By Client Using Graph.